
Blog : Photographers / Photographers Seeking Advice

HEIDZ06 [3/26/2009 8:53:07 AM] : Hey, Have you tried or :) lol!!! Heidi xxx
KLAIRLANE [5/22/2008 6:21:43 AM] : Angle wings are very reguarly in chldrens shops and fancy dress shops! i had a pair from claires accesories a few months ago :-)
ANNAMARIE [4/30/2008 10:30:54 PM] : Jim You can also go to a costume store. I picked up wings for Halloween at a costume store and they looked awesome. It may be a little too early in the year, but maybe they have them stored away and could just get it from storage. Doesn't hurt to try! Good luck! Annamarie
PHOTOMAJIC [ 4/28/2008 10:17:48 AM ] : Does anyone know of a website I can go to to purchase angel wings as props? They do not have to be Victoria Secret quality, just something that looks realalistic. Thanks™ © 2003-2024 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited.