
Blog : General / Surveys and Polls

LASSE [12/31/2008 10:14:16 AM] : To ask for people to rate your portfolio is totally accepted! I do the same. But to try to improve your chances in a contest where everyone should have equal chances; that sucks. And all the small post on the FORUM takes up a lot of space.. So cut it.. Please! By the way a happy new year! Ses you on april 1st, 2005!! I'm going to India and Thailand as a backpack'er.. See you all.. -Lasse
CHRISSY [12/30/2008 1:59:47 PM] : I have been asking people to rate my portfolio honestly. I want them to rate me because of the photo quality and I ask them to be honest about it because if they are not, I am not truly going to do how well I am doing. I watch my ratings closely as this is how I can tell what people really think. I will be honest though, I have asked people to vote for me in the modeling contest, but I think most people do that! However, I want them to be honest about it and vote what they think I really deserve based on my work.
LINDSAY [12/20/2008 11:15:38 AM] : You know what the biggest problem is... the picture should only be voted on based on their merit not on who is most popular.
CHRISSY [1/7/2008 6:14:36 PM] : I take all of my votes seriously also. It is a good way to know exactly where you stand. Lasse, I hope your trip goes well! Chrissy
LASSE [ 12/17/2008 10:13:21 AM ] : Please cut the hole "vote for me"-crap!! Please.. -Lasse™ © 2003-2024 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited.