
Blog : Models / Models Seeking Work (TFP - Time for Prints)

SAM KAY [1/16/2008 11:25:45 PM] : Thanks for the advice..but its so hard to get ahold of someone when you theres no close agencies surprise there i live in iowa! haha.
FILMGY [1/8/2008 11:34:37 AM] : Hello Sam, My name is Richie and I am a photographer from Jersey City N.J. I woulde like to respond to question. I assume you want to go professional and are not doing this just for fun. To be honest ...there are very few legitamate agents in the United States. Almost all "professional" models are represented by the major agencies such as Ford, Elite, Whilhelmina (NOT WHILHELMINA INC. they were a scam and recently closed down) etc. Most agencies require a min height of 5'9". You must be totally photogenic and commited to these agencies. Throughout the United States there are literally hundreds of so-called agencies....eager to take your money and leave you flat. Rule one....never give money to an agency. There will be many who will tell you you can do commercial work...this is somewhat true, since sometimes there is no height requirement but again you are competing with thousands for that job. Doing this for fun is easy. Going serious is serious. Competition is feirce. Many models do model independently but that is another story. I hope in some small way this has helped. Please let me know if I can help in any way. Richie/Photographer 2717
JASON CHRISTOPHER [1/7/2008 1:43:01 PM] : Go in and see them. That's right, just walk in. Trust me, it's that easy. -- Jason
SAM KAY [ 1/4/2008 11:18:22 PM ] : How can I get noticed by an agent?!™ © 2003-2024 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited.