
Blog : Photographers / Photographers Seeking Advice

LMJ PHOTOGRAPHY [10/7/2008 8:28:32 AM] : Thanks for the tip - one of my friends - who is almost 20 an actress/photographer and model works for a local weekly newspaper as a freelance photographer. She has gotten two covers since July and various other pictures printed inside the paper. I think the easy way to make money for anyone is to jump into the adult world and I would prefer not to if possible.
RJ [10/1/2008 11:45:38 PM] : Submit your portfolio to various print sources, perhaps local magazines.
AMI [9/16/2008 7:11:58 PM] : you have to find people willing to purchase your pics. models will rarely if ever purchase pics. adults sites need content. sometimes art galleries will do consignment type things. or you can do a showing for art and hope the guests will purchase... you can also get hired by a company to get specific shots for whatever they are selling....
AMBER ROBERTS [1/26/2008 4:41:43 PM] : I know how it is! Models dont wanna pay photographers and photographers don't wanna pay models. I guess you should become really professional and stop doing TFP and just start seeking paid gigs ... Might not get anywhere but it dosnt hurt. That's why it's good to have another job other then being a photographer.
LMJ PHOTOGRAPHY [ 9/14/2008 8:53:15 PM ] : Any tips on how to actually make some money in this field... it seems to be only models looking for TFP - where is the money... any suggestions would be appreciated. LMJ Photography™ © 2003-2024 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited.