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MIDWESTMODELSEXPO [ 3/3/2008 12:17:41 AM ] : I would like to extend this invitation to you to join us in the 2004 Michigan Models Expo. To be held at the Livonia Holiday Inn - Ambassador Ballroom on July 31 2004. This expo is now open to the public, so we encourage people to help advertise and spread the word about the 2004 Models Expo. If we all work together, it works for all of us. Admission is just $5.00 a person to attend. Payable at the door. Come join the fun. Meet models, photographers, agencies and others. Network with other professionals in the modeling and photography industry here in Michigan. The exhibit area is 2,500 square feet and consists of fourteen (14) eight-foot (8’) single tables, two 4-table islands, and one 3-table island for our sponsors and other vendors to rent to display their materials. Each table will be covered and stylishly skirted in order to insure a professional appearance. Single Table pricing is as follows: One (1) table - $80.00 before May 15th. $100.00 after May 15th Each additional table -$75.00 before May 15th $90.00 after May 15th (maximum of three single tables per exhibitor). Table Island pricing is as follows: Four (4) table island - $350.00 * each table is eight (8) feet. Three (3) table island - $275.00 * each table is eight (8) feet. Please contact Rich Schmidt, our events coordinator. Visit to see who is already helping sponsor and who will be attending the expo. If you are interested in helping sponsoring or you are a model and photographer wishing to attend, then this is a great place for you! Come out and build a portfolio and bring your resume. Door prizes and entertainment will abound. A great chance to come show what you know and show off what you have! Regards, James M. Bryant™ © 2003-2024 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in part or whole is prohibited.